Climate scientist tells Joe Rogan he refuses to debate dissenters on climate change

A climate scientist who formerly worked in the Clinton administration admitted to Joe Rogan that he was unwillling to debate scientists who disagreed with him about climate change. 

Andrew Dessler, professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University has appeared on MSNBC and CNBC to promote the left’s views on man-made climate change. But the climatologist told Rogan on a February 16 episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience”, that there was no debate on “the fact” of climate change.


Liberal pundits have urged the streaming platform for take action against "misinformation" spread by Joe Rogan. 

Liberal pundits have urged the streaming platform for take action against "misinformation" spread by Joe Rogan. 

During the interview, Rogan asked his guest if he had ever “debated anyone” over climate change. Dessler stated he did debate a climate skeptic, scientist Richard Lindzen over a decade ago, but it was “terrible” and he vowed he would never do it again.

“My feeling is that I won’t debate the science. So the science is set,” he stated. “The temperature is warming, humans have caused it.”

“I’m happy to debate policy, because I think policy needs to be debated,” he added.


Rogan pushed back on his guest, asking why he was unwilling to debate a scientist who disagreed with him, when it would be “beneficial” to the public who doesn’t know who to trust on these issues. The podcast host referenced his guest the week prior, Steve Koonin, a physicist who worked in the Obama administration, who says that science on climate change is not settled, and the media exaggerates it.

But Dessler claimed it would be too burdensome and time-consuming to “fact-check” someone who disagreed with him, in real-time. After Rogan disagreed, saying that there could be clear parameters set for time effectiveness and clarity, Dessler wouldn’t budge, saying he would only debate what policy changes to make to fight against man-made climate change. 

“I think you overestimate the ability to settle these issues in a debate,” Dessler told Rogan.

The popular podcast host came under fire recently from the left for allegedly spreading COVID misinformation. Several musicians pulled their music from streaming platform Spotify to pressure the company to take action against Rogan.

In response, the podcast giant said he would try to bring on more left-leaning guests as a counterpoint to his other guests and took down seventy episodes of his show that featured controversial guests or the use of a racial slur.

Joe Rogan, the popular podcast host on Spotify, has emerged as Public Enemy No.1 among many liberals who have called for him to be censored. 

Joe Rogan, the popular podcast host on Spotify, has emerged as Public Enemy No.1 among many liberals who have called for him to be censored. 
(Photo by Michael S. Schwartz/Getty Images)


Some belive Rogan shouldn’t have issued that statement, which some saw as an apology. Governor Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., told Fox News Digital, that he shouldn’t have apologized to the “mob.”

“No, he shouldn’t have apologized. I mean, you see what happens? The mob will come after people, and they’re targeting Rogan because he’s threatening to upset the apple cart on some of the things that they’re holding dear. And with COVID, he’s just bringing opposing views. He’s letting people decide,” DeSantis said.

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