CPAC attendees weigh in: What should parents do about CRT in schools?

DALLAS – Critical executive and how students, parents and public officials should handle it is a major topic across the country, from local education” target=”_blank”>school< mansions. 

It was a major topic at the cpac” target=”_blank”>Conservative Political Action Conference<

Caso said her group runs a “community committee” that sends volunteers to school board meetings, who then report back what they learn.

“It’s simple. If you care enough about your community and your children, you have to be active. You cannot sit back anymore,” Caso added. 

“We all need to read the books that our kids are being forced to read so that we can have an honest conversation with them,” Kate Bush from Houston said. 

She added that she’s not sure passing laws banning CRT will be particularly effective, and that close involvement is parents’ best bet. 

“I don’t know that passing laws do any good at all. Generally a lot of the laws that are passed are either ignored or it creates anger. But we have to get rid of the critical theory,” Bush said. 


Julie Pickren, a candidate for Texas State Board of Education, meanwhile argued that parents should pay attention to not just what their kids say, but the internal workings of schools. 

Zachary Wanuga, a student at Salisbury University in Maryland, told Fox News that direct action like contacting donors to universities is one way people can fight back against critical race theory. (Tyler Olson/Fox News)

Zachary Wanuga, a student at Salisbury University in Maryland, told Fox News that direct action like contacting donors to universities is one way people can fight back against critical race theory. (Tyler Olson/Fox News)

“We have to learn to recognize it in our schools. In the schools, you’re going to see it a lot through equity and equity audits,” she said. 

Zachary Wanuga, a student at Salisbury University in Maryland, pushed for a more direct activist approach, especially with colleges. 

“There’s a way to fight back,” he said. “And the way to do it is use your words and use your money. Go to your schools. Don’t send your kid to an indoctrination camp on college. Use your money. Email the alumni of the schools, email the donors, say this is what they’re teaching my kids in school.”


And Kathy McWhorter, a mother and grandmother from Georgetown, Texas, said parents need to consider running for elected office – where education policy is made. 

“Being on school boards, getting into elected offices so that you know what the curriculum is that is being taught and you can take a stand and see if you can change that curriculum and get critical race theory out of our schools,” she said. 

CPAC comes to a close Sunday, with a keynote speech from former President Donald Trump. Also expected to be major issues at the conference, and in Trump’s speech, are immigration, coronavirus health measures and potential Republican primary challenges in 2022. 

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