Five dog tags found in belly of South Carolina monster gator

A us-regions hunter got the shock of his life when he killed a monster “nuisance gator” along the Edisto River in the alligator-laden ACE Basin estuary in Beaufort, Colleton and Charleston counties.

After taking the gator to Cordray’s, a butcher shop that has a side business in taxidermy in Ravenel, S.C., Ned McNeely found out the 12 foot long, wild-nature” target=”_blank”>445 pound gator<

“Ned McNeely brought in this 12’ long 445 lb. private land gator this morning! We don’t usually open up the stomach but we did today. 5 dog tags, 1 bullet jacket, 1 spark plug, loads of turtle shells, and several bobcat claws were inside. Two of the tags were legible and one phone number still worked,” Cordray’s revealed in a Facebook post.

When Cordray staff called the number, the man answering the phone “confirmed he’d lost a hound dog 24 years earlier while hunting leased property near where the alligator was killed,” according to the local CBS station.


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