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Florida may consider abortion bill similar to Texas after SCOTUS decision

us-regions may consider adopting an judiciary ban similar to that of Texas, which banned all abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected —  around six weeks after conception —  after the judiciary declined to hear the case on Wednesday.

senate Senate President Wilton Simpson confirmed that the Sunshine State would be likely joining other states in passing anti-abortion legislation following the Supreme Court’s decision, he told WFLA on Thursday.

“When the Supreme Court goes out and makes a decision like this, it clearly is going to send a signal to all the states that are interested in banning abortions or making it more restrictive to have an abortion in their state, it’s certainly going to make us take a look at those issues,” Simpson said.


The US Supreme Court voted 5-4 on Wednesday denying an emergency appeal filed by abortion providers in an attempt to block a Texas abortion bill that went into effect the same day. 

Signed by greg-abbott” target=”_blank”>Texas Gov. Greg Abbott<

The Texas bill also includes unique authority for private citizens to sue abortion providers and anyone involved in facilitating abortions — such as driving a woman to a clinic — for at least $19,000, if successful.

ron-desantis” target=”_blank”>Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis< to read more on the New York Post.

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