Hannity torches Biden's push to turn the page on Afghanistan crisis as Americans, allies remain trapped

Fox News host Sean Hannity torched joe-biden”>President Biden< over the president’s “insulting” claims that he’s “turned the page” on the crisis in Afghanistan as Americans and allies remain trapped behind enemy lines and U.S. soldiers continue their recovery after the terror attack at the Kazai International Airport.

 “Joe Biden, he now claims that he is officially turned the page on Afghanistan, taking, I guess, a victory lap,” Hannity said. “What an insulting thing to say. He’s not lifting a finger to help our fellow Americans that he abandoned.”

“This isn’t Republican and Democrat. They’re our fellow Americans,” he exclaimed. “He hasn’t even mentioned them in 22 days. How is that possible? I wonder if the families of those trapped inside of Afghanistan behind enemy lines, I wonder if they’ve turned the page … But, Joe Biden thinks that he can simply move on.”

Hannity also ripped Biden’s current approval rating, calling his presidency an “abject failure” and citing a CNN report that the president should be terrified over his numbers in key battleground states.

“Look at the Gallup numbers. Joe’s poll numbers have never been lower and for good reason,” he argued. “economy is skyrocketing and predicted to get much worse. Gas prices up about a buck fifty a gallon since he took the presidency became president on January 20th. That’s a lot per gallon. We’re paying more for everything we buy. More to heat and cool our homes, more to fill our tanks up.”

Joe Biden is creating havoc for Democrats Video

Amid the “unmitigated failure” in Afghanistan, Hannity argued that Biden’s policies have emboldened our enemies and damaged America’s relationship with its allies.

“Our allies rightly no longer trust us,” he said. “world-regions, they just recalled their ambassador. world-regions, they’re threatening to do the same. Every enemy around the world is emboldened and China’s threats grow worse by the day.”

Hannity also took apart the Biden administration’s handling of the migrant surge along the immigration, claiming both the president and kamala-harris” target=”_blank”>Vice President Harris< testing and vetting, Hannity also argued that Biden’s “aiding and abetting” of immigration to enter the country and has subsequently created a humanitarian, national security and public health crisis.


“The migrants, the very people that violated our laws, did not respect our sovereignty, our borders,” he said “They enter this country illegally. And now with the help of Joe Biden, he’s aiding and abetting. They now are dispersed all over the country.”

“And of course, all of this could be resolved if Joe Biden would tell the migrants not to come and this idiocy of process and release and go back and finish the wall Donald Trump was building and by the way, deport anyone that crosses illegally. And by the way, bring back to stay in Mexico policy and just simply enforce the law. That’s not going to happen.”

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