Hannity: The Republican Party has a critical opportunity to change US trajectory

Fox News host Sean Hannity told viewers Friday that it is time the elections go on offense highlighting the “America First” agenda rooted in freedom, capitalism, and the U.S. Constitution on “Hannity”.

HANNITY: Joe Biden capped the week by screaming “mask or vax” into the camera… As his administration continues a blatant attempt to draw attention away from what has been a terrible week. Unfortunately for Joe and the country, this week caps months of disastrous Democratic Party rule. They control the House, the Senate and the White House and it is not going well. Inflation is through the roof, unemployment on the rise, gas shortages in over a dozen states, violent crime is exploding in America’s cities, new turmoil abroad in the Middle East. In the coming months and years, the Republican Party has a critical opportunity to change this trajectory.

But now it’s time for Republicans to pivot and go on offense. They need to open all schools and get all the kids back in the classroom. They need to lift COVID restrictions on everything from businesses to restaurants to concert venues, to stadiums. They need to end unemployment benefits that are disincentivizing workers and lower taxes for all Americans. The Republican Party must articulate its America First, Make America Great Again agenda, rooted in freedom, capitalism and the U.S. Constitution. This has to be about “We the People.”


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