Ingraham rips Sotomayor's claims about 100,000 COVID-ill children, humans 'like machines spewing virus'

fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Laura Ingraham< involving the NFIB-supported case against President Biden’s edict mandating that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration can fine businesses if their employees do not submit to being vaccinated.

“The OSHA rule states that businesses with more than 100 or more workers must either require employees to be vaccinated or submit to weekly testing and masking in the workplace,” fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Ingraham said<.”

“Opposing this mandate are 27 states and The National Federation of Independent Businesses. The fact is, long before the vaccine debate, federal agencies like OSHA wielded way too much power. This is why Donald Trump wanted so much of these burdensome rules axed from the federal register altogether.”

She said terms like “health” and “safety” are too broad to the point that politicians like Biden can use them to his liking without regard to the autonomy of the American citizen.


Supreme Court Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

Supreme Court Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

“Their meanings can be stretched to prohibit or require just about anything. That’s when the court is usually asked to step in.”

One Obama-appointed justice made headlines Friday for spreading an unsubstantiated claim that there are 100,000 children dealing with coronavirus and that many of them require ventilators to breathe.

“Omicron is as deadly and causes as much serious disease in the unvaccinated as delta did,” Justice Sonia Sotomayor claimed in a recorded session. “We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition and many on ventilators.”

Ingraham noted that the omicron variant has been shown exponentially less deadly than the delta variant, albeit potentially more transmissible.

“It’s hard to believe someone so misinformed sits on the court, but that’s where we are — 100,000 kids are not in ICUs or on ventilators. That’s about 30-fold more than reality per the HHS,” she said. “Even Anthony Fauci admits that most kids are hospitalized with COVID, not because of COVID.”


Ingraham pointed out that Sotomayor had made further proclamations, including when she compared humans “spewing a virus” to workplace implements spewing sparks.

“What’s the difference between this and telling employers where sparks are flying in the work place, your workers have to wear a mask?” Sotomayor, 67, asked NFIB attorney Scott Keller.

“When sparks are flying, there is a machine unique to that workplace,” Keller replied.

“She is like a machine spewing idiocy,” Ingraham remarked in response. “I hope she’s not contagious.”

Later she highlighted Clinton-appointed Justice Stephen Breyer claiming a delay in the Biden mandate could lead to thousands of more COVID infections.

“When they issued this order, there were approximately 70-something-thousand new cases. Yesterday, there were close to 750,000. If we delay it a day, if it were to have effect, then 750,000 more people will have COVID who otherwise, if we didn’t delay it, wouldn’t have,” Breyer, 83, claimed.

Associate Justice Stephen Breyer.

Associate Justice Stephen Breyer.
(Erin Schaff/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo)

Ingraham responded: 

“Wait, so in Breyer’s warped thinking, if OSHA’s mandate is upheld, all infections would be eliminated?”

“Who said you need basic logic and math skills to be a judiciary justice.”

“You don’t. We are repeatedly told that the liberals on the court are some of the brightest legal minds in the country,” she said. “I’m beginning to have my doubts, especially after hearing th[o]se words leave Justice Sotomayor’s mouth.”

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