Jesse Watters likens Democrats' soft-on-crime policies to parents letting their 'kids run wild'

Fictional sitcom dads like Red Forman from “That 70’s Show” would make better public leaders than the elections currently in power, fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Jesse Watters<,” fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Watters<

Watters surmised that much of this reimagining of criminal justice comes from the observation that many liberals cannot process concepts of good versus evil or “recognize sin.”

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon speaks at a press conference

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon speaks at a press conference
(Photo by Robyn Beck / AFP)

“That takes on too much of a religious connotation, and they’re very uncomfortable with the idea of judgment. Their entire political philosophy is based on tearing down history, law and cultural norms. And so the prison system to them is just a relic of a barbarous, unenlightened and medieval system that needs to be reimagined by them, of course, and modernized in a more humane and progressive way – a way that doesn’t work at all because incarceration works for a reason.”

“Just like walls work and men and women are different, you know, basic truths that have stood the test of time. These aren’t concepts to be embraced for the left. They need to be destroyed and then rebuilt to celebrate, you guessed it, themselves.”

“You can tell the kind of parents these Democrat leaders are anyway. Just look at how some of their children behave. What did you expect – a sitcom dad would make a better leader than … these pushover politicians? America needs someone who believes in tough love, but also has a big heart.”

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