Joy Behar complains Russia-Ukraine war making her European vacation plans uncertain

It’s a frustrating thing about wars: In addition to death, destruction and displacement, there’s also disruption to your European vacation plans.

At least that’s how joy-behar” target=”_blank”>Joy Behar of “The View” <

Behar then reacted to Hostin’s remarks.

“Well, I’m scared of what’s going to happen in Western Europe too,” Behar said. “You know, you plan a trip. You want to go there. I want to go to Italy for four years and I haven’t been able to make it because of the pandemic.

“And now this,” she said, referring to the Ukraine invasion. “It’s like, ‘What’s gonna happen there?’”

Behar then went on to describe Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“This guy, he’s a singular sensation in a certain way, you know what I mean?” Behar said. “I don’t know that he has that much support in his country … and maybe that has to be addressed because we’ve seen this movie before.”

Behar’s vacation remarks drew a torrent of reactions on social media.

“Joy Behar is elitist trash,” Washington Times columnist Tim Young wrote.

“War sucks and all,” another commenter wrote, “but what if Joy Behar can’t go to Italy? I mean Ukrainians should really stop getting selfishly blown up.”


“God grant me the absolute confidence and egocentricity of Joy Behar complaining that a war ruined her vacation plans while the bombs are still literally dropping,” another wrote.

Last week, Behar was spotted maskless at a New York City restaurant after previously saying she planned to wear masks in public “indefinitely.”

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