Rep. Cammack blasts Dems' push for tax hikes: 'Biden blueprint to bankrupt America'

Rep. Kat Cammack, R-Fla., the youngest Republican woman in Congress, said Friday thatPreisent joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden’s<

KAT CAMMACK: The Democrats are hell-bent on bankrupting this country. You know, we’ve seen for the last two weeks the committee instructions that we have been going through to really markup this $3.5 trillion wish list of liberal items that Bernie Sanders has been working his entire career for. This truly is a Biden blueprint to bankrupt America. …

Everyday life is changing in front of our eyes because this administration is all about taxing us into oblivion. But more than that, I think is dangerous, is they’re taxing us into submission.


Rep. Cammack: Democrats are ‘hell-bent on bankrupting’ the US Video

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