Ingraham: Here's how Republicans can defeat Biden and radical left

Laura Ingraham outlined a four-point plan that she believed would sail Republicans into victory on “Ingraham Angle” Monday. 

“If the polls are right, this year should be one of great victories for the Republican populist movement. Across the country, the grassroots is unified behind policies that already make life better for working Americans of all backgrounds,” she said. “Meanwhile, their political opponents are angry and divided.”

Ingraham said that 2022 was only the beginning and that elections need a “governing agenda” in order to ensure their continued political success. “We can’t wait until 2024. We need members of Congress, who are ready to govern now. And committee chairmen who will use their oversight authority to keep the joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden administration<

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden 

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden 
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

The “Ingraham Angle” platform includes four planks.

The first addresses “saving our freedom.”

“Both the federal and state governments exceeded their constitutional authority in myriad ways. They destroyed countless lives in the name of public health. Their extended use of emergency authority without legislative approval was and is an abomination and anti-democratic. The consequences were devastating,” Ingraham said.

Dr. Anthony Fauci 

Dr. Anthony Fauci 
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

The second entails “saving our independence.”

“Unlike the Biden team, we don’t answer to any type of ‘international order.’ The United States is a free, independent and sovereign country. We do not take orders from the EU, or the WTO, or the WHO, or the U.N. Our government – and our military – work for us,” Ingraham explained. 

“And speaking of our military” target=”_blank”>military<. We want generals who care about winning battles, not spreading anti-American propaganda.”

Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley

Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

The third plank relates to “saving our economy.”

“Right now the economy” target=”_blank”>U.S. economy<

And the final plank addresses “saving our culture.”

“The Left has filled our media and our public schools with anti-American hatred. Left-wing mobs tear down our history. Left-wing plutocrats ban American critics from tech platforms while coddling the [Chinese Communist Party]. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party thinks that anyone who believes in traditional notions of gender or sexual morality should be canceled or banned from public life. This will not stand,” she said.

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