Lead poisoning in bald eagles renews calls for lead bullet alternatives

CLEVELAND, Ohio – The wild-nature population is being poisoned by lead at an alarming rate.

Across the U.S., bald and golden eagles are repeatedly exposed to lead, according to new research. The study sampled more than 1,200 birds in 38 states and found that 46% of bald eagles and 47% of golden eagles have chronic lead poisoning. 

natural-science” target=”_blank”>Scientists<

The bald eagle population has soared to more than 300,000 birds in the wild today.

The bald eagle population has soared to more than 300,000 birds in the wild today.
(Stephen Goin)

“The bald eagle population is growing rapidly in North America,” Katzner said. “But golden eagle populations are stable or declining at best, their populations are at about 30,000 … any amount of suppression is something that is going to raise eyebrows.

The findings of the study have renewed calls among conservationists, pleading with hunting” target=”_blank”>hunters< banned the use of lead bullets by hunters 2019.


Chris Parish, president of the Peregrine Fund, believes most hunters don’t know about the toxic effects of lead. He co-founded the North American Non-Lead Partnership to educate hunters and encourage them to voluntarily switch to alternative ammunitions that don’t use lead – like copper bullets. 

“Hunters are the only way to solve this problem, and the best way to appeal to a hunter is to work with them not work against them,” Parish said.


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