Fox News contributor Leo Terrell on Fox News “Outnumbered” Thursday blasted the joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden< racism in the U.S, asserting they are “tearing this country up by race.”
LEO TERRELL: I will tell you right now, this is an embarrassment because this is the greatest country in the world, Harris. People are trying to get into this country. Let’s just be honest. They have weaponized, the Democrats, the far left have weaponized the George Floyd death for political purpose. I have said this on Fox News a thousand times: There is no systemic racism in this country. It has been eliminated, it is gone, it doesn’t exist. But these are progressive Democratic talking points to divide this country.
As a civil rights attorney for 30 years, it pains me to hear this rhetoric. Who are the [U.N.] experts that are going to come over here to evaluate a system that does not exist? I want to know their qualifications. I want to be on that committee because do these experts have a Declaration [of Independence]? A Constitution? A Bill of Rights? A civil rights amendment? A fair housing amendment? People of color in all levels of government? People of color running Democratic cities? It is a sham.
It is to divide us. It is hurtful, it is painful, it is embarrassing. All the Biden administration is doing is tearing this country up by race. Nothing more, nothing less.