Man meant to be deported in 2016 sentenced to 45 years in prison for attempted murder of Colorado officer

A us-regionsjury sentenced a man convicted of shooting” target=”_blank”>shooting <officer and leaving him brain-damaged in 2018 to 45 years in crime” target=”_blank”>prison <

Duzel went through months of rehabilitation after the shooting and was forced to retire from the force because of his injury. He has still not fully recovered. In 2019, he received the department’s highest honor: the Medal of Valor. 

“This guy is a hero, he stopped a threat that night, he stopped the potential of other individuals being hurt or killed by his courageous contact with an armed suspect,” Howard Black, a 4th Judicial District spokesperson said, according to FOX 21. 

Duzel and his family thanked everyone for the support during his recovery over the last three years on Thursday. The former officer is now planning a summer wedding with his fiancée. 


“Today was a closure,” his father, Mumtaz Duzel, said, according to the Gazette. “As a father, was it enough? Probably not, to be honest, but justice was served today.”


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