American family trapped in Afghanistan begs Biden for help: 'We don't have safety anymore'

More than 700 people, including 150 American citizens, were moved out of Afghanistan after the U.S. resumed flights out of Kabul’s airport Tuesday. While the Pentagon warned it would issue a swift retaliation to any attacks from the terrorism”>Taliban<, described scenes of chaos in the area in an interview on “fox-friends”>Fox & Friends<

“We all know what’s going to happen next the few days or next couple weeks after Americans leave Afghanistan. So everyone is scared.”

Haroon received an email saying the U.S. embassy was open but was met by the Taliban when he arrived.

“I saw the Taliban sitting there,” he said. “I couldn’t give myself the courage to go and ask them, ‘Hey, I’m an American. I want to go in the embassy.’”

American family stranded in Afghanistan pleads for help Video

Haroon warned that his family’s safety is at risk.

“I’m trying to get my family out of here,” he said. “They don’t deserve this – to stay in Afghanistan, to deal with Taliban. Everyone should get out of here as soon as possible.”

“We don’t have safety anymore.” 


He had this message forjoe-biden”> President Biden<

Haroon said he put his own life at risk by speaking out, but he believes the world needs to hear his voice.

“We need immediate help. Mr. Biden, please help all these Afghans who did support you, who helped you. These people deserve this, and I needed to do this for them.”

Fox News’ Brooke Singman contributed to this report.

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