Fox Nation remembers Reagan's efforts to collapse the Soviet Union

Fox Nation explored how sponsored worked tirelessly to see the end of the Soviet Union on “Three Days In Moscow,” which reveals how the former president, who felt he was spared from his assassination attempt to help bring an end to communism, spoke to the heart of the Soviet people while he negotiated with their tough regime.  

Reagan saw an opportunity to challenge Mikhail Gorbachev when Germany invited world leaders to commemorate the anniversary of the Berlin Wall. The Berlin Wall had stood as a powerful symbol of the evils of communism, separating the free people on the west with the oppressed on the east. Officials had cautioned Reagan about being careful with what he said, even going as far as to claim the German people were used to the wall. However, the reality was very different. 


“In the evening I went out to a residential suburb still in West Berlin where I met about a dozen or 15 Germans,” Peter Robinson, former Reagan speechwriter, told Fox Nation. “I said, ‘Is it true? Have you gotten used to the wall?’ One man raised his arm …,pointed and said, ‘My sister lives just a few kilometers in that direction, but I haven’t seen her in more than 20 years. How do you think we feel about the wall?’ They hadn’t gotten used (to it). They had stopped talking about it.” 

Another woman, Ingeborg Elz, said if Gorbachev was serious about what he said, he would tear down the Berlin Wall. This inspired Reagan’s famous speech. Though many officials preferred he not include the line, “Mr. Gorbachov, tear down this wall” in his speech, he knew it was the right thing to do. 

“He was a man of commitment, of vision, or purpose,” author Peggy Grande said. “He knew what needed to be said in that way, at that place, at that time and it was truly a moment of destiny and when you look at what could have not happened had he not said that, the world forever may have been a different place.” 

Six months later, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) was signed and his last summit with Gorbachev followed. 

Pres. Ronald Reagan walking & giving thumbs up gesture on S. Lawn after returning from MA.    (Photo by Cynthia Johnson/Getty Images)

Pres. Ronald Reagan walking & giving thumbs up gesture on S. Lawn after returning from MA.    (Photo by Cynthia Johnson/Getty Images)
(Cynthia Johnson/Getty Images)

“(Reagan) sensed that even though the Soviet leaders were not ready for real change, the Soviet people were and he intended to make his case to them,” Fox Nation host Bret Baier said. 

In his visits to Moscow, the president and first lady took walks in public among the Soviet people, the president even promenading with Gorbachev. 

On Reagan’s third day in Moscow, he delivered a symbolic speech at Moscow State University in front of a statue of Lenin, sharing the joys of democracy with the Soviet people. 

“America is a nation made up of hundreds of nationalities,” Reagan told the crowd. “Our ties to you are more than ones of good feeling, they’re ties of kinship. They come from every part of this vast continent, from every continent to live in harmony seeking a place where each cultural heritage is respected, each is valued for its diverse strengths and beauties and the richness it brings to our lives.” 

Reagan’s speech was a turning point, showing the Soviet people the hope of what they could have. The president stayed firm in his resolve to collapse the Soviet Union, even denying the Soviets’ request to say “peaceful coexistence was a universal principle of international relations.” 


The president’s toughness paid off. Eventually, the Berlin Wall was torn down and the Soviet Union disintegrated. 

“Reagan knew all America needed to defeat communism was to be unyieldingly hostile toward it, to never accept that it was permanent,” Baier said. 

To learn more of the full story, sign up today on Fox Nation and watch ‘Three Days in Moscow.’ 

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