Dana White says he will 'run over' competition slowing down because of COVID

UFC President Dana White joined “Fox News Primetime” to discuss how he kept ufc” target=”_blank”>UFC< and if he is worried that Americans are losing the fight to be successful.

DANA WHITE: Yeah, I think we are [losing the fight to be successful]. To be honest with you. It’s, I don’t know, I have never seen anything like it. It’s blowing my mind. But, do you know what? Everybody that is slowing down, everybody that is afraid or whatever their reason is, you know, for not wanting to get back to work. Not wanting to you know, to run their business, not wanting to get back to normal and full capacity, I will run you all over. I will run you over. No problem.

There has never been more opportunity out there than there is right now. You know, I keep hearing about restaurants that can’t open all the way because they can’t get people to come into work. You know, you can’t get an Uber because nobody wants to go back and drive Uber. It’s a very weird time in this country right now. And, yeah. people need to get back to work and things need to get back to normal as soon as possible.


Dana White has bold message for Americans 'sitting on the sidelines' Video

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