Top New York ICE official speaks out after resignation: Biden 'endangering the public'

The now-former Immigration & Customs Enforcement official in charge of immigration” target=”_blank”>illegal alien removal operations< after decades of serving his country because he did not want to be part and parcel to joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Joe Biden< “Tucker Carlson Today” he has worked with ICE, its predecessor NIS and other agencies since the George H.W. Bush administration. 

In his resignation letter, Feeley described joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden’s< how he was put in situations where hardened illegals had to be released or simply continue on their way without arrest.

“After 30 years of government service, it is time to move on. With the current administration doing everything they can to cripple ERO (Enforcement Removal Operations) endangering the American public and not enforcing the laws passed by Congress, I don’t want to be part of that,” he said.

“As a member of the Senior Executive Service, a service entrusted by the public to ensure whatever administration is in charge follow the law, we currently are not. To fight and argue every day about not arresting or releasing horrible criminal aliens to the street, quite frankly, is disgusting.”

On “Tucker Carlson Today,” Feeley expressed that his role wasn’t simply to deport illegal aliens, but to seek out the worst of the worst:

“Most of the people that I’ve removed in my career, even immigration” target=”_blank”>illegal aliens<

Tucker Carlson slams Biden-backing Democrats: 'they're not good at their jobs' Video

In terms of his claims that Biden is undermining the homeland security apparatus, Feeley described in a previous discussion with Carlson that officials are “splitting hairs” as to whether the White House is asking immigration” target=”_blank”>ICE<

The immigration” target=”_blank”>Criminal Alien Program<.

“I started doing this job in 1996 when ERO was very, very small. We didn’t have a lot of budget. Our mission was very small. And we got it to a very successful professional law enforcement agency; and now, it’s just getting torn down every day by the Biden administration,” Feeley said.

Host Tucker Carlson called Biden’s actions toward ICE “an attack on the American people” and said America will be intrinsically changed forever because of millions of illegal immigrants who now feel they can “enter our country illegally and plan to stay forever.”

“Nothing like that has ever happened in American history,” the host lamented.

Fox News’ Angelica Stabile contributed to this report.

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