Missouri frat pledge loses ability to walk, talk, see after alleged hazing incident, attorney says

A education” target=”_blank”>University of Missouri student<

Daniel Santulli suffered "massive brain damage" after an October 2021 hazing incident.

Daniel Santulli suffered "massive brain damage" after an October 2021 hazing incident.
((Photo courtesy Tom Santulli))

When his fraternity brothers finally took him to the hospital, he was already in cardiac arrest with a blood alcohol content of more than 0.4% or five-times Missouri’s legal driving limit. The incident left him with permanent brain damage and the inability to execute basic human functions.

To date, only one frat member has been charged – with a misdemeanor, which his family said is unacceptable.

Santulli’s father told another network he wants to see other kids allegedly involved to face felonies, adding misdemeanor charges won’t “wake them up.”


Bianchi, who reportedly has already won millions of dollars in court for other hazing victims, said Santulli’s case may be the worst he’s seen.

“You cannot have injuries that are worse and still be alive. Danny can’t see; can’t walk, he can’t talk. He cannot care for himself. And his condition is permanent. It’s just awful,” he told “The Story” on Friday.

Missouri’s anti-hazing statute is legally sufficient, the lawyer said, but charges must be filed to utilize such a strong law.


“I think any parent who has a child who is going through this fraternity hazing process just basically holds their breath for the entire week that it’s going on. So how many more Danny’s is it going to take before universities are going to take responsibility and ban these practices, and have serious consequences for anyone who engages in them?” host Martha MacCallum asked.

“This is a slam-dunk hazing case. They should all go to jail… a jury would convict these guys in 5 minutes,” Bianch later said, adding there have been 65 deaths connected to fraternity pledges since 2000 and calling on officials in Boone County, Mo., to prosecute further.

He claimed universities do not want to shut down fraternities because their alumni often become reliable donors.

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