Tammy Bruce: New York's race-based COVID treatment plan has 'horrible irony'

Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce called out the “horrible irony” of New York’s controversial eligibility for the infectious-disease oral antiviral treatment on “fox-friends-weekend” target=”_blank”>Fox & Friends Weekend<

TAMMY BRUCE: This is the horrible irony of this, is that the rates of vaccination among people of color – Black Americans in particular – is lower because, understandably, they have some suspicion about the intentions of government considering the history, especially regarding health care, when it comes to government orders…

The government has in the past made decisions based on the color of people’s skin, based on ethnicity, against them. It’s been a problem. And when we still see it happening in the 21st century, you know, people of color aren’t going to look at this and say, “Oh, great, now we’re getting the good end of the stick.” It’s a sign that the government has not learned any lessons from this past.


NY health dept. issues COVID guidance based on race Video

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