NY PPE manufacturer says pandemic highlights importance of domestic manufacturing amid increased outsourcing

The president of an American-owned personal protective equipment manufacturer who sources and produces entirely in the United States fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>warned that<Industries in Frankfort, New York – outside Utica – told “The Ingraham Angle” that his company’s strength is the fact his products are American-made, and that that strength was exemplified in spades when the infectious-disease pandemic hit in 2020.

Liberatore told host fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Laura Ingraham<

Liberatore responded that HPK was the only company in the PPE sector that “manufactures all my products in the United States.”

He explained that HPK was able to continue production without a hitch and was not at all dependent on foreign countries to continue his manufacturing – and thereby continue employing and paying his workforce.

“When the pandemic came about, I had millions of pounds of PPE fabric in my warehouse here in upstate New York, so we were in a unique position because I had the raw materials. I had everything that I needed [when] my business really exploded during 2020.”

While other companies during the pandemic suffered supply chain disruptions and had to lay off workers for one reason or another, HPK “tripled” its workforce, Liberatore told Fox News.

HPK also erected a new building during the pandemic, and Liberatore gave some credit to the then-andrew-cuomo” target=”_blank”>Andrew Cuomo< explicit promise to promote “buy[ing] American” he made in July is turning out to be a falsehood – given that his administration is also being “hijacked by globalist forces”.


Ingraham said Biden’s “war on oil and gas” further undermined his “buy American” policy – One of Biden’s inaugural acts was to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline between Alberta Canada and the Gulf Coast, and the host noted the PennEast pipeline was cancelled this week after battles with environmentalists and the State of New Jersey.

“Here’s the bottom line: everything the Democrats are doing is discouraging investment and job creation in the United States, and at the same time, it’s going to encourage, it’s going to prompt inflation,” she said. 

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