In the New Year, set aside just 5 minutes a day to have your best year ever

Author and leadership expert John C. Maxwell has said, “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” I believe this is totally true. I have seen in my own life the amazing benefit of a daily routine.

I’ve often joked publicly that I would be a very easy person to assassinate. I have such a consistentmental-health” target=”_blank”> daily routine<

Would you like to change your life for the better? Can you imagine what it would be like if this new year you experienced success like no year before? I know it’s possible. But where do you begin? 

Maybe you finally want to get healthy. You have decided that this will be the year of eating right and exercising. You would love to look better and have more energy. 

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Or you want to make your marriage better. The most important relationship in your life needs to be more loving and supportive. And you want to be the spouse who initiates it.

It could be time to get your finances in order. You want to get out of debt and start saving. And as you think about retirement you know things must change. 

There could be a long-time dream that you would like to finally come true. But you know it will take a goal and daily action for the dream to become reality.


But if there was only one thing you could do this year, what would it be? What if one daily practice could end up helping you with all your goals. And what if it could be done in just five minutes each day?

That daily practice is a devotional time. This is a quiet time when you read a devotion and pray. Ideally in the morning before you start your day, but it can be done at lunch, in the evening or before bedtime.

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Of the many changes you could make to your daily routine there is nothing that can have more impact than this. Just five minutes each day will change your life, not just this year but forever.

A devotion is a brief meditation based on a bible verse that takes less than three minutes to read. I’ve written a new devotional book titled “This Is Living.” There are 100 daily devotions to inspire you. Each has a great story that illustrates the message from a bible verse. 


After reading it you’ll be filled with hope and faith. Then you spend a few minutes in prayer and now you’re ready to take on your day. Beginning the day with a positive outlook helps you cope with stress, anxiety and situations where you need a shift in perspective.

Last year revealed in so many ways how vital it is to have good mental health. Having a daily devotional time will give you greater inspiration, insight and peace. It will open you up to more love and joy in your life.

The number one resolution year in and year out is to have better physical health. Eating better and exercising regularly are at the top of the list of most people’s goals for the new year.

But last year revealed in so many ways how vital it is to have good mental health. Having a daily devotional time will give you greater inspiration, insight and peace. It will open you up to more love and joy in your life.


Your mental outlook will improve as you read the Bible daily. It will change you because the Bible renews your mind. Romans 12:2 says, “Don’t be like the people of this world but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him.” 

When you read the Bible, you begin to think differently. And then you start acting differently. The Bible’s guidance helps you to live healthier, be more loving, have greater peace and believe in your future. 

Living out God’s plan for your life becomes natural. Over time this transforms your life, you don’t just change a little you become a new person. 

And as you read you gain more wisdom. There is nothing more valuable than having wisdom for the many decisions you must make. More important than just intellect or education, wisdom can bless your life in a myriad of ways.

The time you spend in prayer will draw you closer to God. As you pray your burdens will be lifted and given to God. 


You can do it, just five minutes a day.

Try it, start today. You’ll have your best year ever.


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