Netanyahu calls state of emergency after violent clashes in Lod

Israeli Prime Minister benjamin-netanyahu” target=”_blank”>Benjamin Netanyahu<. Following the aggressive exchange of hundreds of rockets between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants since Monday, Arab and Jewish communities took to the streets in Lod Tuesday night. Images of cars, shops and synagogues ablaze were posted to social media, prompting Lod Mayor Yair Revivo to request Netanyahu’s assistance….

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Florida may require high school students take financial literacy course in order to graduate

us-regions would require high school students to take a financial literacy test in order to graduate.  “It is critical we set education” target=”_blank”>Florida students<. FLORIDA SCHOOL BANS TEACHING CRT, GENDER FLUIDITY, AND ‘MAINSTREAM NARRATIVE SURROUNDING COVID’  The bill, HB 1115, was unanimously approved by the Florida House PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee on Wednesday, Fox 13 reported….

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Cannabis users are at greater risk for emergency and inpatient care: study

People who used cannabis visited emergency rooms or were hospitalized 22% more often than those who did not use cannabis, according to a recent study published in the BMJ Open Respiratory Research. “Our research demonstrates that cannabis use in the general population is associated with heightened risk of clinically serious negative outcomes, specifically, needing to present to…

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Apple unveils Fitness+ app

companies on Tuesday unveiled its Fitness+ exercise app during its 2020 Apple Event. The subscription technologies for Apple Watch will cost users $9.99 per month or $79.99 per year starting at the end of 2020, The app lets users build personalized workout experiences on their Apple Watch devices, the tech giant said. “We’re so excited to energize…

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