Carole Baskin blames Texas Sens. Cruz, Cornyn for escaped Houston tiger

Big Cat Rescue founder and netflix” target=”_blank”>Netflix<” star celebrity-news” target=”_blank”>Carole Baskin< Sens. John Cornyn and ted-cruz” target=”_blank”>Ted Cruz< residents since Mother’s Day. “We had to start from scratch and we did that in January. We now have 167 members of the house that have co-sponsored it,” Baskin told Fox News of the Big Cat Public…

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‘The Five’ address potential surge of 60k migrants to the southern border

Panama has alerted U.S. officials that there’s the potential for 60,000 immigration” target=”_blank”>migrants<’ co-host Dan Bongino questioned the presence of a border at all if its function is not to separate nations, protect citizens and ensure immigration. “We don’t have a border,” he said. “Can we please just stop the silliness that there’s a southern…

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Biden administration still to release long-awaited ICE report on arrests, deportations of illegal immigrants

joe-biden” target=”_blank”>The Biden administration< and deportations in Fiscal Year 2021, which was expected at the end of the year – leading critics to believe that the administration could be stalling on the report that they say will contain politically damaging information for the administration. The annual report contains data on ICE’s enforcement operations and investigations…

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Biden ATF nominee made questionable statements about suppressors, automatic weapons

David Chipman, President Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has some questionable ideas on gun suppressors and assault weapons.  Gun control advocates have praised the nomination of Chipman, who was an ATF special agent for 25 years and currently serves as senior policy adviser to gun violence prevention group Giffords, highlighting the significance…

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Non-profit Mission 22 donates high-tech stress prevention systems to vets with PTSD

Mission 22, a non-profit organization that provides treatment programs for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and suicide awareness and prevention, has partnered with Solace Lifesciences, to donate its 100th pack of NuCalm, a high-tech stress relief technology to veterans in need.  NuCalm is a neuroscience technology that aims to relieve stress through a disc that is placed…

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