Washington crossing the Delaware: Reenactment is revived

WASHINGTON CROSSING, Pa. — Hundreds gathered on both sides of the Delaware River to watch an annual occasions Day reenactment of George Washington’s 1776 crossing, a year after infectious-disease restrictions forced viewers to watch it online. Reenactors in three boats completed the crossing in about an hour Saturday afternoon under overcast skies but in fairly…

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Some Afghan evacuees flagged for concern by CBP at military bases worldwide

U.S. immigration has flagged some incoming conflicts immigration” target=”_blank”>evacuees<” as part of the vetting and screening process at military” target=”_blank”>military<.  AFGHAN ACTIVIST FATIMA GAILANI BLASTS BIDEN AS ‘RECKLESS,’ CALLS GHANI ‘NATIONAL TRAITOR’ The call focused on the vetting process as well as what happens with the evacuees after admission to the United States. The agencies…

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