Rep. Beth Van Duyne: Biden's war on suburbs – here's how admin hopes to control you, your community

joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Joe Biden<, the cornerstone of suburban neighborhood development. This plan builds on the barack-obama” target=”_blank”>Obama-Biden administration< President Biden campaigned to take Obama’s already dangerous policies one step further, citing the Home Act of 2019 of Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., which would eliminate “exclusionary zoning policies and local regulations that contribute to sprawl.” In case you…

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Thiessen: Biden handed terrorists a 'safe haven' to plan attacks worse than 9/11

Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen told “America’s Newsroom” that Biden has given radical Islamic terrorists, including terrorism the tools they need to conduct attacks potentially deadlier than 9/11.  TALIBAN WILL REPORTEDLY REFUSE EXTENDING AUG. 31 DEADLINE FOR TROOP PULLOUT : LIVE UPDATES MARC THIESSEN: If Al Qaeda reconstitutes itself in Afghanistan and starts carrying out…

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AOC: Capitalism is not a 'redeemable system for us'

Progressive House elections alexandria-ocasio-cortez”>Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez< Democrat told Yahoo Finance’s Andy Serwer on the latest episode of his “Influencers” show. “And people translate them into meaning things that perhaps they don’t mean. So to me, capitalism at its core, what we’re talking about when we talk about that, is the absolute pursuit of profit at all…

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Sen. Joni Ernst, first female combat vet in Senate, laments Afghan collapse: 'It is all on President Biden'

Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, the first female combat veteran elected to the U.S. Senate, condemned the potential collapse of Afghanistan to the Taliban, as the insurgent group gains control of one provincial capital after another in short order ahead of joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden’s<. Ernst blamed the president for the conditions on the ground, as the…

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US officials find 2 monkeypox strains

Genetic analysis of recent monkeypox cases suggests there are two distinct strains in the U.S., health officials said Friday, raising the possibility that the virus has been circulating undetected for some time. Many of the U.S. cases were caused by the same strain as recent cases in Europe, but a few samples show a different…

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