Biden wears mask outdoors as ‘extra precaution,’ White House aide says

President joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden< and around small groups of other vaccinated people because he’s taking “extra precautions,” a White House aide said Sunday.

“You know, we do take some extra precautions for him because he is the President of the United States,” said Anita Dunn, a senior advisor in the Biden administration, on CNN’s “State of the Union” when asked about why Biden “doesn’t seem to be following” the new guidance.


Dunn insisted that he takes health officials’ advice “very seriously.”

“I think the President takes the CDC guidelines very seriously, and he’s always taken his role as sending a signal to follow the science, very seriously as well,” she said.

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The agency last week announced that vaccinated Americans can ditch face coverings outdoors unless they are at large gatherings like concerts.

But Biden said he would continue to wear masks outside, calling it a “patriotic responsibility” and “small precaution.”

Other vaccinated people should still feel comfortable following the new guidelines, Dunn said.

“I would say that people should follow the CDC guidelines and they should take advantage of getting the vaccine, getting fully vaccinated and taking that mask off, particularly as the weather grows so beautiful,” she said.


“As we move forward I think that you will see more and more people enjoying that freedom, getting the vaccine, and realizing it’s one big step towards normalcy in this country,” she continued.

To read more from the New York Post, click here.

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