Tim Scott’s massive 2022 war chest fuels more 2024 buzz

Sen. Tim Scott of us-regions keeps hauling in massive amounts of campaign cash as he runs for reelection in the electionsand that’s sparking more speculation about a potential 2024 Republicanelectionsbid.

Scott, the only Black senate in senate”>the Senate <

As of now, Scott is unlikely to face a bruising reelection next year in the reliably red Palmetto State, where he won his 2016 election by nearly 25 points. Last November, donald-trump” target=”_blank”>then-President Trump< won reelection by 10 points despite record-breaking fundraising from Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison, who’s now the chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Scott has become a high-profile Republican during his tenure in the Senate. He grabbed national attention earlier this year when he gave a well-received GOP response to joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden’s< (in April) and us-regions (last weekend), which hold the first two contests in the presidential nominating calendar, sparked speculation about potential national ambitions, and his massive fundraising haul is as well.

The numbers say that Tim Scott has developed a national constituency and has created enthusiastic supporters from coast to coast. There’s no question that he’s someone who excites Republican activists. His recent visit to New Hampshire was very successful and he drew large crowds,” longtime Republican consultant Jim Merrill told Fox News.

Merrill, who’s based in New Hampshire and is a veteran of numerous GOP presidential campaigns, said that the senator’s fundraising figures “tell me that if Tim Scott was a stock, there’d be a lot of people buying his stock right now. People really believe in him and are excited about him.”

Scott ended the third quarter with nearly $19 million cash on hand. Any remaining funds from his 2022 Senate campaign could be transferred to a potential presidential bid, should he decide to run for higher office.

Scott has repeatedly downed played talk of making a White House run in 2024. He told Fox News earlier this year that his “only objective is to be the United States senator for the great state of South Carolina.”

But Scott has also said that the 2022 race will be his last Senate campaign.

Haley endorses in a key House GOP primary in NH

In last week’s column, we spotlighted how ted-cruz” target=”_blank”>Sen. Ted Cruz<

A week later, another Republican that pundits view as a possible 2024 presidential contender also endorsed in the same contested primary. 

Former South Carolina Gov. nikki-haley” target=”_blank”>Nikki Haley<‘s White House in an endorsement shared first with Fox News.

On tap this week

Scott and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, another GOP politician pundits view as a potential 2024 White House hopeful, are among the headliners at a conference on Wednesday that’s focusing on efforts to grow the party by recruiting and training more women and minority candidates.


The Republican State Leadership Committee, a GOP political organization dedicated to electing party candidates to state legislative and executive offices across the nation, is hosting the event in Crystal City, Virginia, which is titled “The Future of the GOP Starts in the States.” 

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