Rep. Mast: Russians at odds over Putin's 'all-out war' on their Ukrainian neighbors

Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla., spoke to “The Faulkner Focus” Monday on the ongoing war in conflicts and how Russians are divided on the personalities. He also explained what needs to be conveyed to Russia’s personalities about how the war will likely end. 


REP. BRIAN MAST: I think you see a divide in the will of the Russian people to wage all-out war on their neighbors, on people that you could say, are that close to them in language and so many other ways. This wasn’t the will of their people. There’s division amidst the military, and I think what you need to see from the Foreign Affairs Committee and from those that are in talks in Belarus and other places is laying it out to Vladimir Putin that we realize how he began this war. But no matter how long it takes, this is how this war will end because of his nuclear saber-rattling. There will be a Russian nuclear demilitarization. They will return Crimea. There will be an unconditional surrender to Zelenskyy and a removal of their troops from Ukraine. And in my opinion, there should be a demilitarized zone along all Russian borders. This needs to be the way that it ends. No matter how long it takes and maybe add on to that as we see those sanctions going on with banks and currency and SWIFT, we probably need to go out there and let the Russian government know that Russian energy is not going to be an export that is desired by Turkey or Germany or anyone else. That has to be a commitment by Europe to not use Russian energy for the next generation. Otherwise, it would be like sanctioning a farmer without sanctioning their crops.


Rep. Brian Mast on what needs to be communicated to Putin Video

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