Matt Schlapp: Biden’s ‘new normal’ includes socialism, inflation, racial divisions

The topic of Friday night’s panel discussion on “The Ingraham Angle” was the troubling consequences of joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden administration<

MATT SCHLAPP: What’s weird in this White House is, usually you have a rambunctious staff and you have a president who views himself as everyone’s president.

And because this president is in the state that he is in, the staff that he has put around him, which are these killers from the Obama administration who are hard chargers for socialism, they have been full-throttle.

Socialism isn’t just terrible economics that hurts people, it’s inflation that’s gonna hurt the forgotten men and women and those people who are struggling in the economy – and really all of us in the economy.

But look at all the racial divisions and the constant cries of racism. Even the D.C. mayor, Muriel Bowser, is basically begging the city council in D.C. to restore 200 cops from her failed Black Lives Matter “Defunding the Cops” embrace of last summer. Even she knows she needs to get cops back on the street.


Biden's new normal Video

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