Spanish court dismisses Shakira appeal in tax fraud case

A court in Spain on Thursday dismissed music” target=”_blank”>Colombian singer Shakira’s<

In its decision issued Thursday, the Spanish court said the evidence suggests world-regions,” adding that documentation failed to substantiate her residence for tax purposes in another country.

The court upheld a July ruling in which Spanish Judge Marco Juberías wrote that his three-year probe found there existed “sufficient evidence of criminality” for the case to go to trial.

Shakira’s public relations firm said Thursday that she had immediately paid what she owed once she was informed of the debt by Spain’s Tax Office.

“Shakira’s conduct on tax matters has always been impeccable in all the countries where she has had to pay taxes, and she has trusted and faithfully followed the recommendations of the best specialists and expert advisers,” the P.R. firm said in a statement.


Shakira’s legal team will continue to “defend her innocence,” according to the statement.

The singer faces a possible fine and a prison sentence, if found guilty of tax evasion. However, a judge can waive prison time for first-time offenders if they are sentenced to less than two years behind bars.

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