In late July, the House of Representatives gaveled in and, within hours, rushed through legislation that purported to “codify the findings of Obergefell v. Hodges and its 2015 redefinition of marriage. Rather than defend the institution of marriage, many Republicans chose to run for the hills – calling the move …
Read More »Respect for Marriage Act: The very definition of freedom and liberty
As legislators, we have two primary duties: uphold the Constitution, and protect the rights and interests of residents. I filter everything I do – every bill I introduce, and every vote I take – through this lens. For most of our history as Americans, marriage was an institution not regulated …
Read More »Woke goes to die over education at the ballot box
Donald Trump’s announcement that he will seek the White House in 2024 serves as a timely reminder that, while many of the high-profile candidates he endorsed in 2022’s midterms performed below expectations, the policies he embraced as a candidate and as president, particularly relating to education freedom and parental rights, …
Read More »ELI STEELE: Pastor Corey Brooks is reviving the American Dream
CHICAGO – One rarely hears of the American Dream these days. The belief that anyone can move upward and achieve their own version of success regardless of what class or zip code they were born into has taken a beating in recent years. In speeches, politicians often point out how …
Read More »Why this 'Fox & Friends' co-host is grateful his wife went to get new sunglasses
Thanksgiving is a lousy week to start a diet. But this week is a wonderful time to reflect and give thanks. I thank God for three wonderful children. I was also so lucky 36 years ago when my then-future wife Kathy said yes. There is one other thing I think …
Read More »Biden's South Lawn wedding is one White House tradition all can celebrate
The South Lawn of the White House is America’s most iconic backyard and the most picturesque setting for a White House wedding. With sweeping views of the Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial and a sea of meticulously manicured blades of green grass, the South Lawn has played host to many memorable …
Read More »I'm so grateful my birth mom chose life
The autopsy on the 2022 midterm elections is still underway, but many on the Right are asking an important question: Why is abortion such a losing issue for Republicans? Pro-life supporters lost five state ballot initiatives on Nov. 8, suffering defeats in California, Michigan, Virginia, Kentucky and Montana. Back in …
Read More »DeSantis offers conservatives a roadmap for how to fight the culture wars and win
Editor’s note: The following essay was first published in City Journal. The consensus is that, amid generally disappointing results for conservatives, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis won the midterms. He defeated his Democratic opponent, Charlie Crist, by a 19-point margin and turned the state, which was once considered a battleground, …
Read More »Pro-abortion forces broke the bank to convince voters abortion extremism is normal. They failed.
Elections are all about narratives. Before election day, a narrative is set by the national media that informs how the parties will decide to spend their cash. The media’s narrative, and the subsequent political spending, has a tremendous influence on who wins and who loses. This election, Democrats bet everything …
Read More »America, we think we're done with the War on Terror but it is not done with us
Broken promises. Betrayal. Moral Injury. This is how I described the 2021 botched Afghan withdrawal in my book “Operation Pineapple Express.” These feelings are shared by many of the 750,000 Afghan War veterans, especially as we observed Veterans Day earlier this month. Why? Because they understand the stakes, something our …
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