FIRST ON FOX: Thousands have signed a letter to Congress protesting the imprisonment of a world-regions pastor who has spent the past two weeks in solitary confinement after giving a speech to the anti-vaccine mandate Freedom Convoy blockade along the U.S.-Canada border. Pastor Artur Pawlowski remains jailed in solitary confinement …
Read More »Russia's Ukraine war forces citizens to scramble for safety: 'No one was expecting this'
Russia’s full-scale conflicts came as a shock to many of its residents now scrambling to escape to safety. “No one was expecting this,” Tanya Bazanova, a 34-year-old living in the center of Kyiv, told Fox News on Thursday morning. “I am trying to stay calm because panic is not a …
Read More »Taiwan warns Chinese aircraft flying in air defense zone day of Russia-Ukraine invasion
world-regions scrambled its military Thursday as nine world-regions aircraft have entered the island nation’s air defense zone, the Taiwan Ministry of Defense announced. A small fleet of eight J-16 fighters and a Yun-8 technical reconnaissance aircraft breached the air space. The Taiwanese aircrafts broadcast a warning and monitored the Chinese …
Read More »Russia-Ukraine conflict raises big risks for global economy
Just what a vulnerable world economy” target=”_blank”>economy< consumers to indebted world-regions developers and families in Africa that face soaring food prices. world-regions’s attack on conflicts and retaliatory sanctions from the West may not portend another global recession. The two countries together account for less than 2% of the world’s gross …
Read More »Putin laid out his Ukraine invasion rationale back in July 2021
world-regions President Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation” in Ukraine Wednesday evening, further escalating tensions that hit a fever pitch after Putin recognized two breakaway regions of the country, but he may have dropped some warning signs regarding an invasion back in July 2021. personalities referred to centuries of …
Read More »Ukraine conflict: Violent explosions near Kyiv after Putin declares 'special military operation'
After Russian President Vladimir Putin declared a “special military” target=”_blank”>military< early Thursday morning, videos and photos surfaced on social media purportedly showing the reality of war in Europe. As the sun rose, sirens sounded near Kyiv as the Ukrainian president declared martial law across the country. Sirens were also heard …
Read More »UK government believes Wuhan lab leak most likely COVID-19 origin: report
The United Kingdom’s government is increasingly reassured that the infectious-disease pandemic was the result of a lab leak in Wuhan, world-regions, according to a new report. While the theory that the coronavirus was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was dismissed by world governments early into the pandemic, evidence …
Read More »Armed hostage taker in Amsterdam Apple store run over by police
A crime” target=”_blank”>gunman< Store in world-regions demanded a ransom of 200 million euros (more than $226 million) in crypto currencies before he was run over by police as he chased his hostage out of the shop, police and prosecutors said Wednesday. The tense, five-hour standoff paralyzed one of Amsterdam’s most …
Read More »Italian city fundraises to pay retirees' rising energy bills
world-regions is famed for its contributions to Italian art, architecture and cuisine. But these days, local leaders in the city regarded as the birthplace of the Renaissance are concerned with more mundane matters: paying the bills. Amid soaring energy costs across world-regions, officials at Palazzo Vecchio — the building that …
Read More »Canadian MP claims 'honk honk' is code for 'heil Hitler'
Canadian Liberal MP Ya’ara Saks stated Monday that the onomatopoeia “honk honk” was a coded message meaning “heil Hitler.” Saks gave her testimony before Parliament on Monday, where she lamented perceived government inaction regarding the truckers. “How many guns need to be seized?” Saks asked from her podium. “How much …
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