Ted Cruz floats Biden impeachment if GOP takes back House

ted-cruz” target=”_blank”>Sen. Ted Cruz,< will win back the House in 2022, and said if they do, they will probably consider impeaching President Biden.

Cruz appeared on “Verdict with Ted Cruz,” his podcast, and said Democrats “weaponized impeachment” during the Trump administration for partisan purposes, according to the Washington Times.

Sen. Ted Cruz floated the idea of a Biden impeachment if Republicans take back the House in 2022.

Sen. Ted Cruz floated the idea of a Biden impeachment if Republicans take back the House in 2022.
(Sarah Silbiger/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

“One of the real disadvantages of doing that is the more you weaponized it and turn it into a partisan cudgel, you know what’s good for the goose is good for the gander,” he said.

He reposted an interview where he put the odds of Republicans taking back the House at 90-10 and 50-50 about taking back the evenly split Senate.

President Joe Biden speaks during a virtual meeting about reducing the costs of meat from the White House complex on Jan. 3, 2022.

President Joe Biden speaks during a virtual meeting about reducing the costs of meat from the White House complex on Jan. 3, 2022.
(Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images)

Last September, four House Republicans filed impeachment articles against Biden over his handling of the southern border and the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.


“I filed articles of impeachment against @POTUS based on what I believe to be clear violations of his duties,” Rep. Bob Gibbs of Ohio posted on Twitter after filing the impeachment articles. “There are dynamics in Congress preventing this from being debated. But I could not stand by while Biden commits flagrant & deliberate violations of his oath of office.”

Republicans accused Democrats of turning to impeachment to hamstring the Trump administration. 


Tucker Carlson, the Fox News host, wrote, Democrats “need to keep Donald Trump at the center of the conversation. They’re impeaching him so they can continue to give speeches about him. It’s that simple.”

Fox News’ Andrew Mark Miller contributed to this report

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