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Terry McAuliffe gets $500K boost from large labor union amid flip on right-to-work stance

us-regions elections gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe has received another large donation from economy after reversing his position on right-to-work legislation in the state.

The Virginia Public Access Project reported last week that his gubernatorial campaign got $500,000 from the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA). Fox News previously reported on the $2 million influential labor unions gave his campaign after he said he would sign a repeal of the state’s right-to-work policy.

Right-to-work laws guarantee an employee’s right to refuse to join a labor union and prevent union dues from being a requirement for employment. More than two dozen states, including Virginia, have right-to-work laws in place, and labor unions and progressive groups continually seek to overturn the statutes.

The recent donation comes from an organization that has vehemently opposed right-to-work legislation. LIUNA’s website refers to the “so-called right to work” as forcing “unions to represent workers who don’t pay dues.”


LIUNA is comprised of 400 local unions and more than 500,000 members, according to its website.

Its members have also protested right-to-work in Illinois. And earlier this summer, LIUNA’s Twitter account declared “#RighttoWorkisWRONG.”

McAuliffe’s pledge to repeal right-to-work has been met with skepticism. McAuliffe previously said: “We are a great right-to-work state. We should never change that.” Politifact mentioned McAliffe’s remark while rating as false his former opponent Ken Cuccinelli’s claim that he opposed right-to-work. 


When McAuliffe committed to repealing right-to-work, he said that it wouldn’t pass the state’s legislature.

“I’ve said all along I’m going to focus on the things that I can actually get done,” McAuliffe told a reporter who asked about a bill reaching his desk.

McAuliffe’s campaign did not respond to Fox News’ request for comment. Neither did LIUNA.

Fox News’ Houston Keene contributed to this report.

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