Victor Davis Hanson: Biden created the most heavily armed terrorist nation in history

Author and historian fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Victor Davis Hanson<, through his conflicts withdrawal strategy and process, has birthed the most powerful and well-equipped terror state in the Earth’s history.

Hanson told “fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Tucker Carlson Tonight< and his staff and military brass have acted “nonchalant” about the fact they just gifted $90 billion in weapons to the Taliban.

“I think we are underestimating it, Tucker. If you look at all the military aid that we have given Israel since the founding of the Jewish State, this is about 85% of that [which we gave] over a 70 year period. We are all worried about the new aircraft carrier Gerald Ford [at] $12 billion; the most expensive aircraft carrier in history. We could have had 7 of them for the price of weapons that we have left in Afghanistan,” he said.

Tucker: Pentagon repeatedly said US was making 'progress' despite Afghanistan crisis Video

“So this is the greatest loss of military equipment in the history of warfare by one power. It’s absolutely staggering, and yet, we take it so nonchalantly: The people responsible for this should be either fired or resigned,” he added.

Biden and his team have done lasting damage to the United States and global security, he added, noting how the Pentagon and White House “empowered a pre-civilizational terrorist band, making them into a considerable militia that will cause havoc for the next 20 years.”

Host fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Tucker Carlson<

Hanson later added that much of the onus for the billions in free armaments the U.S. taxpayer gave to the Taliban lies on the stateside generals who he said were either distracted by their previously-attested concern for “wokeness” or another less important regard.

“There is something terribly wrong with our military. I don’t know whether it is their distraction because of wokeness, as they go through the ranks and rosters trying to weed out potential, I don’t know, ‘supremacists’ — or they are just incompetent, or they are too worried about the revolving door of going in and out from defense contractor boards, but we need a bipartisan investigation of our top brass and the system,” he said.

“It’s a systemic failure and it’s costing us dearly.”

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