Rep. Wenstrup says Americans 'upset' over Afghanistan collapse: 'We don't leave people behind'

Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, told “America’s Newsroom” on Friday that the United States of America needs to “re-establish its moral reputation and strength around the world” after the botched foreign-policy” target=”_blank”>Afghanistan<

BRAD WENSTRUP: We need to reestablish our moral reputation and our strength throughout the world. American lives matter, Afghan lives matter. Right now China and Russia are not leaving Afghanistan. They are moving right in. You discussed our assets. I asked last week through the intelligence committee to get some estimate of everything that we have left behind that were likely going to fall in the hands of the Taliban as well as China and Russia.

We haven’t held China accountable for COVID. We let Russia reestablish their pipeline. We have 7,000 troops gone back into Afghanistan, maybe we need 50,000 troops. We don’t leave people behind. Is that what we’re saying we’re doing right now? I don’t know how much more failure the American people can take. You talked about that poll. I expect it to go down and I expect it to go down in a bipartisan fashion because Americans across the board are very upset with this. And frankly, I don’t think a lot of people want to hear too much about a 3.5 trillion dollar progressive wish list when we are in crisis and Americans are in crisis. I got a text from one of the interpreters that I supported leaving Iraq. He said he is very, very disheartened. He said the Americans morality is being tested and so far it is not doing so well.


Biden struggles to defend botched Afghan exit Video

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