Sen. Tim Scott sits down with Brian Kilmeade, discusses reelection bid, 2024 buzz

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., sat down with Brian Kilmeade Wednesday to discuss the state of race and senate” target=”_blank”>politics<

Scott said when he’s referenced, it’s often noted that he’s the only Black Republican in the Senate. 

“My theory is I’m not called to serve Black people. I’m just called to serve Americans,” said Scott.

“I think it says a lot about our country and says a lot about South Carolina that they chose me and then elected me to be their senator,” said Scott, who started out on his local council before moving to the state House.


While Scott was expressing ambition to run for lieutenant governor, his peers told him senator would be best for him because the issues he often spoke about were related to the federal government.

“I like talking about the evolution of the Southern heart. Because the state I live in is not the state that my grandfather was born in. It’s not the state that my mother was born in, even though both are called South Carolina. This South Carolina is different. We have evolved so much in so little time.”

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., and others speak at a news conference to announce a Republican police reform bill on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, June 17, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., and others speak at a news conference to announce a Republican police reform bill on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, June 17, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Scott keeps hauling in massive amounts of campaign cash as he runs for reelection in the electionsand that’s sparking more speculation about a potential 2024 Republicanelectionsbid.

Scott, the only Black senate in senate”>the Senate < during the July-September third quarter of fundraising. That follows an eye-popping $9.6 million Scott raked in during the April-June second quarter of fundraising. 

As of now, Scott is unlikely to face a bruising reelection next year in the reliably red Palmetto State, where he won his 2016 election by nearly 25 points. Last November, donald-trump” target=”_blank”>then-President Trump< won reelection by 10 points despite record-breaking fundraising from Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison, who’s now the chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Scott has become a high-profile Republican during his tenure in the Senate. He grabbed national attention earlier this year when he gave a well-received GOP response to joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden’s<

After the GOP’s victory in the Virginia gubernatorial race, the senator said that the Republican Party needs to continue to keep their pulse on education.

“Happy warriors attract a bigger crowd. Politics is a game of addition. That talking about education is something we as Republicans should always focus on. Having parental involvement is key,” he said.

“If we are to win in 2022 and beyond, we’re going to have to talk plain English to our folks and when we do, when we champion the causes that they believe in the most, we’re going to be OK.”


When Kilmeade asked Scott whether he would run for president in 2024, the senator said “you never think about what is next until you fight and win what is now,” referring to his reelection run. 

“A lot of folks have been waiting for their chance to run for president, I am waiting for another chance to represent people. I am not as interested in titles as I am in representing the people that I love and that is this country and this state. Wherever the good Lord takes me, I will go.”

Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report.

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