Sean Hannity opened Wednesday’s “Hannity” slamming the Democrats for politicizing the shooting of Daunte Wright and calling for crime to be abolished.

HANNITY: The left doesn’t really want justice, they want revenge. Officer [Kim] Potter’s home address was just leaked to the public. That forced law enforcement to erect a fence and guard the property. This comes as we have brand new footage of a scary situation in Georgia early monday morning, where three police officers were shot by an individual during a high speed pursuit.

Policing is a tough, and a dangerous job. There are no routine stops. Top Democrats are now just looking to score their usual cheap political points. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the real speaker of the house, called for police to be abolished. Saying that law enforcement is an “indefensible system” That rewards violence with impunity and money. Fellow squad member, Congresswoman Omar, stating that violence is a “basic part of police interactions” with minorities. Congresswoman Tlaib wrote that American policing is “inherently and intentionally racist” and called for there to be “no more policing, incarceration, and militarization. It cant be reformed.” Wonder what that America would look like.

The squad leaders of the Democratic socialist party, they are the ones that are leading. They are the ones setting the agenda Biden, Pelosi and Schumer listen to. These inflammatory statements are obviously detached from any truth or reality. None of the congresswomen have made efforts to ban or defund their own police at the U.S. Capitol nor should they. But according to them.. In the rest of America… Policing is evil, it’s bigoted, it needs to be abolished.