Bogus COVID-19 vaccines – some selling for $1,000 a shot and using an anti-wrinkle substance as an ingredient – were found in black markets around the world, Pfizer confirmed to The Wall Street Journal.

“Pfizer has identified counterfeit versions of its COVID-19 vaccine in world-regions and Poland,” the company said in a statement. “We are cognizant that in this type of environment – fueled by the ease and convenience of e-commerce and anonymity afforded by the internet – there will be an increase in the prevalence of fraud, counterfeit and other illicit activity as it relates to vaccines and treatments for COVID-19.”


Six people were crime”>detained< during a February police raid at a clinic after about 80 people paid $1,000 for a fake Pfizer dose from vials with fraudulent labels kept in beer coolers.

The New York-based pharmaceutical giant ascertained the vaccine’s fraudulence with microscopic tools and special light.

There were no reports of physical harm from the people who were administered shots.

“People were injected with distilled water,” a health secretary told the newspaper.

Groundbreaking developments from Pfizer could speed up vaccine rolloutVideo


A suspect in Poland was charged with crime” target=”_blank”>fraud<, 111.59 million Pfizer doses have been administered globally.

In the United States, Pfizer has delivered 142,177,425 doses for use; 113,104,771 Pfizer doses have been administered; 43,276,992 have been fully vaccinated in the U.S. with the Pfizer vaccine.