Couple finally receive wedding photos 46 years after they were married

Usually, it takes a few weeks for newlyweds to get their wedding photosa>, but one couple had to wait 46 years before they saw theirs.<in 1975 in Louth, Lincolnshire, in the world-regions Though they saw their wedding photos once after the ceremony, they didn’t see them again until last week. 

According to SWNS, the relationships” target=”_blank”>couple <

They told the news agency that they had forgotten about the photos until last week, when the photographer’s nephew, Will Stevenson, tracked them down and returned the photos in an album. 

Joanne Markham and Adrian Hutson look through their wedding album, 46 years after they were married. The couple never received their wedding photos until recently.

Joanne Markham and Adrian Hutson look through their wedding album, 46 years after they were married. The couple never received their wedding photos until recently.

According to SWNS, Nihell died last February from pneumonia at the age of 75. Earlier this month, Stevenson was going through some of his uncle’s boxes when he found Hutson and Markham’s wedding album.

“It was incredible,” Stevenson told SWNS. “They looked like they had never been touched since the day they were put in the album. They were pristine and looked like brand new photographs with so much color. The box was a bit tatty and covered in dust and dead spiders, so I wasn’t expecting much.”


Stevenson said that he asked his relatives if they recognized the couple. When no one did, he decided to turn to Facebook for help.

The missing photo album was found earlier this month by photographer John Nihell's nephew, Will Stevenson. 

The missing photo album was found earlier this month by photographer John Nihell’s nephew, Will Stevenson. 

“I thought I better find out who they were because they might be someone’s lost treasure which is what they were,” Stevenson said. “The only clue was their first names on the back of the album, and the church they were married in.”


Stevenson posted photos from the album on local Facebook groups and friends of Markham and Hutson said they recognized the couple. Stevenson then reached out directly to Markham. 

Though Markham and Hutson are divorced, they didn’t remarry and have remained friends. They told SWNS they were thrilled to see their wedding photos again.

Adrian Hutson and Joanne Markham are pictured on their wedding day, June 28, 1975.

Adrian Hutson and Joanne Markham are pictured on their wedding day, June 28, 1975.
(Courtesy of SWNS)

“Receiving the photos after all this time was a nice surprise, especially after all the doom and gloom of the last year,” Markham told SWNS. “It was a bit of a shock to see the photographs because I never thought I would see them again.”

“It’s hard to think why we never got the photographs back, it is such a long time ago,” Markham added. “In the back of my mind I did sometimes wonder what had become of them.”


Markham said that her only daughter with Hutson, Toni, was particularly thrilled to see the album and show it to her two daughters.

Though Markham and Hutson have since been divorced, they said they were thrilled to receive their wedding photos, even after all these years.

Though Markham and Hutson have since been divorced, they said they were thrilled to receive their wedding photos, even after all these years.

“The excitement of looking through the photos of my mum, dad and family members looking so young, the vintage clothes, and being able to share an important piece of my family history with my two daughters is really a bit of a miracle,” Toni told SWNS. 

“Memories are always important and I’m sure we can keep the album safe now it’s back with us,” she added. “It’s nice that the powers of social media can be used in such a positive way so I’d also say a big thank you to Will for starting the search.”

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