Logan: White House is a source of 'misinformation' when it comes to the facts on the ground in Afghanistan

Fox News Investigative journalist and “No Agenda” host Lara Logan said Monday that joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Joe Biden< because the United States military has the capability to summarily rectify the intensifying problems with the evacuation effort.

Logan told “fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Tucker Carlson Tonight<,” fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>she said<

Afghanistan evacuation intensifies as Taliban sends message to Biden Video

Logan said that while there were failures within the framework of the withdrawal deal struck between the United States and the Taliban, Biden had the final say on how the withdrawal would occur – and that he put politics ahead of strategy in a way that has thrown the world into chaos. 

“They are not using any of the levers of power in any dimension: not political, diplomatic, economic, not security-wise, not military,” she said. “So you have to look at that and say OK, they are getting the outcomes they want because they could bomb the Taliban into the stone age like ‘that.'”

Logan added the U.S. military has shown the capability to destroy caches like the billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded weapons the U.S. left behind. 


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As Americans and allies remain trapped in Kabul and elsewhere in the country, Logan noted the Pentagon has thermal-imaging-equipped weaponry that can “see through walls” and take out the most remote of targets:

“Throughout the entire war in Afghanistan, none of this capability has been used, so that’s a broader question as to why not,” she said.

Logan said instead of the United States using its capabilities to protect its people and its allies, Biden’s reticence has led U.S. rival China to “crow” about the state of the crisis in Kabul.

“All over Xinhua, the state news agency, they are mocking Joe Biden and the United States. And so we are accepting this defeat that puts this country in jeopardy.”


Logan concluded by asserting a theme arising from Washington’s messaging on the Afghan crisis – that if someone criticizes the White House’s handling of it, they are de facto advocating the U.S. stay in Afghanistan for perhaps another 20 years.

“There are many other options without staying in Afghanistan and most importantly, this is not just about Afghanistan,” she said. “This doesn’t just empower Al Qaeda as the a terrorist, it empowers every enemy the United States has. It doesn’t just discourage the allies we have in Afghanistan, it tells every nation on Earth we are a terrible ally. With friends like us, you don’t need enemies. You can’t do this alone. For our security globally, we need friends.”

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