March for Our Lives attendees call for gun reform to protect schools: 'My kids don't feel safe'

WASHINGTON, DC—March for Our Lives attendees told Fox News Digital what they want to see happen to make kids safer in schools following the deadly mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, saying the change needs to start in Washington.

Several of the attendees who spoke with Fox Digital worked in education” target=”_blank”>education< and how they store them, and how they can use them.”


Another rally-goer from McLean, Va., who also works in a school, said the United States “really has it wrong” on guns. Asked what schools can do to protect students, she, too, pointed the finger at lawmakers. 

“I’m more concerned about what the government should do,” the attendee said. “I think schools are doing a lot of things in their power to protect children. We’re all in schools because we care about kids.”

“I would like to see it as hard to have a gun as it is to have a driver’s license or many other kinds of regulated [things],” she continued. “I think it’s an absolutely appropriate thing to be regulated, as much as other things, like abortion, or driver’s licenses, or other things like that.”

  • Rally-goer holding a 'Republican gun owner for change' sign Image 1 of 15

    Sign saying "Republican gun owner for change" at the 2022 March for Our Lives rally (Fox News Digital)

  • Rally-goers holding signs at the March for our LIves Image 2 of 15

    Protesters holding signs at the 2022 March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C.  (Fox News Digital)

  • Protester holding a sign at the 2022 March for our LIves. Image 3 of 15

    Woman holding a sign at the 2022 March for Our Lives rally. (Fox News Digital)

  • Sign saying GOP this is on you at 2022 March for our LIves Image 4 of 15

    Rally-goers holding a "GOP This is on You" sign at the 2022 March for our Lives rally in Washington, D.C. (Fox News Digital)

  • Sign saying 'Lives have more value than guns' Image 5 of 15

    Woman holding a sign saying "Lives have more value than Guns" at the 2022 March for Our Lives Rally in Washington, D.C.  (Fox News Digital)

  • Sign at the March for our Lives Rally Image 6 of 15

    Protester holding a sign saying ‘WTF I’m here AGAIN’ at the 2022 March for Our Lives Rally in Washington, D.C. (Fox News Digital)

  • Sign being held at the 2022 March for our Lives Rally Image 7 of 15

    Sign saying "Don’t ignore kids being killed" at the 2022 March for Our Lives Rally in Washington, D.C.  (Fox News Digital)

  • Sign saying 23 years since columbine at 2022 March for our Lives Image 8 of 15

    Rally-goer holding a ’23 years since Columbine’ sign at the 2022 March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C. (Fox News Digital)

  • Protesters at the March for our Lives Rally Image 9 of 15

    Rally-goers holding signs at the 2022 March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C.  (Fox News Digital)

  • Sign saying Mitch McConnell has opposed gun violence prevention bills Image 10 of 15

    Sign saying Mitch McConnell has blood on his hands at the 2022 March for Our Lives in Washington, D.C.  (Fox News Digital)

  • Sign at the March for our Lives rally Image 11 of 15

    Sign at the 2022 March for Our Lives rally saying guns are the leading cause of death among children and teens in the U.S. (Fox News Digital)

  • Sign saying gun homicides rose by 35% in 2020 Image 12 of 15

    Sign saying gun homicides rose by 35% in 2020 at the March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C.  (Fox News Digital)

  • Protesters at the March for our Lives rally Image 13 of 15

    Protester holding a "Protect Kids, not Guns" sign at the 2022 March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C.  (Fox News Digital)

  • Sign at the 2022 March for our Lives Rally Image 14 of 15

    Rally-goer holding a sign at the 2022 March for Our Lives Rally. (Fox News Digital)

  • Protesters holding a sign saying "Congress, pass sane gun laws now" Image 15 of 15

    Protesters holding a sign at the 2022 March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C.  (Fox News Digital)


Melanie from Arlington, Va., attended the rally with her family, carrying a sign that read, “The Gun Lobby Is Making a Killing on Gun Sales.” 

She spoke in favor of universal background checks. She was one of several attendees who also rallied for red flag laws, which restrict people the government determines are mentally ill or pose a threat to public safety from having guns.

People attend in the second March for Our Lives rally in support of gun control Saturday, June 11, 2022, in Washington. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

People attend in the second March for Our Lives rally in support of gun control Saturday, June 11, 2022, in Washington. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)
(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

“My kids don’t feel safe,” Melanie said, adding that she was emotional. “They were afraid to come here today. They were afraid that someone would target the march itself. And I think that that’s a scary place for our kids to be growing up, and I think something’s got to give.”

Danielle, from Virginia, who was wearing a Moms Demand Action T-shirt, said it was “crazy” to her that 18-year-olds can buy assault rifles, but not alcohol.

“And I believe assault rifles should be the age of 21 to get them,” she said. “You can’t buy beer legally at the age of 18, but you can buy assault rifles, and that just seems crazy to me. And I want to change that. I want red flag laws and I want commonsense gun reform.”


Asked how to keep kids safe in schools, she replied, “by raising the age limit for assault rifles to 21.” 

Erin from Silver Spring, Md., a midwife for 30 years, said she was “horrified about the way life is being taken out of the world, that babies are being murdered in their classrooms.” 

“Children instead of learning at their desks are having to hide under their desks,” she said, while wearing a t-shirt from the six-month anniversary of the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. 

“The best way to protect kids in schools is to regulate guns,” she agreed with other participants. “That if people had to get a license for any gun, if they had to have training on any gun, if they had to be assessed for their mental capacity to correctly use that gun, then our children wouldn’t be dying. At least they wouldn’t be dying in the numbers that they are.”


Erin advocated for funding efforts to promote mental health, but said, “It’s not mentally ill people who are the big problem. It’s the guns.” 

In addition to promoting the passing of red flag laws, she wanted to see the introduction of a national registry and, if not possible to ban assault rifles, then to at least get them licensed.


Navin, from washington-dc” target=”_blank”>Washington, D.C.< and high-capacity magazines, strengthen background checks, enact safe storage laws and red flags and repeal gun manufacturers. 

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