Hannity calls on Joe Manchin go 'kill' Biden's 'Build Back Better' bill

In his fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Opening Monologue<” host fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Sean Hannity<.

With the 50-50 makeup of the Senate and accounting for Vice President Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking role, there must be at least one Democrat to vote against the bill in order to stop its passage. 

fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Hannity<” that – adjusting for how the CPI was calculated pre-Reagan era, the true inflation rate is likely breaking much older records.

“The price of gas is up 58%. The price of food is up six percent. The price of everything else is up by five percent year over year,” Hannity said, adding that the inflation will be exponentially compounded if the Democrats usher in trillions worth of social programs, green handouts and other liberal expenditures.

“Joe [Biden] and the radical Democrats in Congress have been printing money at a record pace,” he said. 

Regarding Manchin, Hannity applauded the fact he has called for a comprehensive accounting of the true cost of the bill.


White House press secretary Jen Psaki claimed President Biden doesn’t "spend much time focused" on the anti-Biden rallying cry.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki claimed President Biden doesn’t "spend much time focused" on the anti-Biden rallying cry.

“Tonight, there’s one Democrat who trusts the [Congressional Budget Office],” he said of Manchin, and in turn criticizing the White House for dismissing CBO scoring just years after Biden himself called their analyses “the gold standard.”

“Citing inflation concerns, West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin demanded the complete CBO scoring of “Build Back Better,” with no gimmicks, so-called sunset clauses, or other budget tricks,” the host continued.


“Well, Joe Manchin, here’s the score. Nearly $3 trillion added to the deficit. With inflation already spiraling out of control, it’s time to walk away from this socialist spending spree once and for all,” he said.

“Rising prices are deeply impacting the people of West Virginia, but this bill will make it so much worse. Joe Manchin, what more do you need to see? It’s time to kill this bill.”

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