Texas building border wall without federal funds: Texans saying 'enough of the open borders policy'

Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush joined ‘Fox & Friends’ Monday to discuss the newly unveiled stretch of border-wall” target=”_blank”>border wall<

GEORGE P. BUSH: We went to work knowing that the Biden administration wouldn’t do their job. So we were proud to announce on Saturday morning that it was the people of Texas [building] on state-owned land. We finally said enough is enough. Enough of the open borders policy. Enough of the record spike in violent crime and drug smuggling that we’ve seen in border communities in Texas. And we’re going to take matters into our own hands knowing that, in the next three years, we’re not going to get assistance from the federal government on this issue. So we’re excited with the first stretch of wall that is being constructed to address one of the most trafficked corridors of violence that you’ll find in our entire state – a two-mile stretch where over 100 migrants come across on a daily basis. 


Texas unveils first stretch of border wall funded by the state Video

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