Texas rancher says she's taught daughters how to use firearms as border crisis grows 'out of control'

us-regions rancher Stephanie Crisp-Canales described on “America’s Newsroom” what it’s like to live near the immigration amid the immigration” target=”_blank”>migrant< on Wednesday.

“It is an invasion at this point.”


Crisp-Canales said she has trained her two teenage daughters, who are homeschooled, to use firearms in case they have to protect themselves from intruders on the property. 

“They’re well trained in gun safety and they know what to do if somebody breaks in,” she told Perino. “It is a scary talk to have to have to have with your kids, but we’re really faced with no choice down here right now.”

joe-biden” target=”_top”>President Biden< that it encountered more than 178,000 migrants in April, a slight increase to the high numbers of March — but a more than 900% increase over April of last year, putting into context how dramatically the numbers have spiked in recent months.

CBP encountered 178,622 migrants in April trying to enter the U.S., a 3% increase over the 172,000 encountered in March, which had been the highest number in 20 years. 

Crisp-Canales told “America’s Newsroom” that migrants are constantly crossing through her property and sometimes carry drugs.

“We are seeing people crossing through our property on foot. We’ve also had multiple bail-out vehicles coming through our property as well,” she said.

Crisp-Canales explained that “bail-out vehicles” are vehicles that a U.S. citizen secures, then drives south to “pick up as many illegals in that vehicle as they can because that person, which is known as the ‘coyote,’ they are being paid per person.”

Texas rancher describes life on the border, says she feels abandoned Video

She then noted that the “coyote” then packs in “as many people as they can.” 

“And when they come north, our law enforcement will inevitably try to pull them over and they will do everything they can to evade being captured so they will go off roads through ranch land and they go through our fences, our gates [and] destroy property,” Crisp-Canales said.

“They crash and when they come to a stop everybody in the vehicle bails and that’s why it’s called a ‘bail-out.’”

Fox News’ Adam Shaw contributed to this report.


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