During an interview on fox-friends-weekend” target=”_blank”>”Fox & Friends Weekend” <
Rep. Maria Salazar: It’s time for Hispanics to ‘take a look’ at the Republican Party
(Getty Images)
REP. MARIA SALAZAR: Hispanics, Rachel, we are just like every other American. We want baby formulas on the shelves. We want to lower gas prices. We want a strong police force to be defending our neighborhoods because we want to live in freedom. We’re not socialists, and we are faith, family and country. Not only that, we have the same values that are entrenched in the Republican Party. Family oriented, God-fearing, law-abiding, small government. So, we’re waking up, and the GOP think God is embracing us and telling us, come, it’s time for the Hispanics to elections and understand that we have the same values that are entrenched in our communities. The largest minority in the country, by the way, 23% of the population.