executive Chief of Staff Ronald Klain said Sunday that the Democrats should “take pride” in winning deep blue areas like New Jersey and New York City after suffering a devastating loss to Republicans in the us-regions gubernatorial race last week. During an interview with NBC News’ Chuck Todd, Klain said …
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2021
US now in ‘biggest’ border security crisis 'we have ever seen': National Border Patrol Council president
President of the National Border Patrol Council Brandon Judd asserted Sunday that the United States is now in the “biggest crisis we have ever seen” as it pertains to border security, arguing it’s because the Biden administration reversed all of former President Trump’s immigration” target=”_blank”>immigration<” on Sunday. “It’s that magnet that …
Read More »CNN's Stelter suggests parents' rights and CRT are 'cheap slogans' in wake of Virginia election
CNN’s Brian Stelter joined a seemingly irritated group of liberal pundits who have lashed out at or lectured education in the aftermath of Republican Glenn Youngkin’s surprise win over Democrat Terry McAuliffe in last Tuesday’s virginia-governor-race” target=”_blank”>Virginia gubernatorial election< liberal media networks who were curious about their votes last week …
Read More »Biden Energy Sec Granholm says cost of heating homes this winter will 'be more expensive' than last year
Americans should expect to pay higher prices to heat their homes this winter, energy” target=”_blank”>Energy< U.S. President Joe Biden shakes hands White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain as Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm looks on as he arrives for a meeting with cabinet officials, governors, and private sector partners to …
Read More »This is the most common day Americans decorate for the holidays
family-and-friends” target=”_blank”>Families<updated holiday decorating survey has narrowed down the most popular time to dress up your homes. HOLIDAYS 2020: REPORT REVEALS MOST POPULAR TIME TO START DECORATING HOME The market research company reran its survey for Fox News and consulted 3,000 Americans about their holiday decorating plans. The survey found …
Read More »Holiday cheer: Most popular time to decorate as Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa season approaches
With Halloween done and over with, Americans are getting ready for the occasions with festive decoratinga> plans.< will dress up their homes to spread holiday cheer. But, if you’re not sure when you should hang your wreaths or twinkling lights, YouGov’s updated holiday decorating survey has narrowed down the most …
Read More »Shocking human tail surgically removed from newborn
A world-regions baby boy was born with a real human tail that was successfully removed without complications at Albert Sabin Children’s Hospital in the city of Fortaleza, according to the Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports. The case report described his mother as previously healthy who did not drink alcohol …
Read More »Marine who criticized Afghan exit argues ’17 years of good service’ for honorable discharge, attorney says
The military who publicly criticized a chaotic conflicts exit, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jr., is using his “17 years of good service” to make a case for an honorable discharge, according to Scheller’s attorney. “Consider that for the past 17 years, he’s either been in constant combat or training for …
Read More »New York firefighters rescue naked man stuck in bathroom wall for several days, officials say
Firefighters in upstate us-regions on Friday rescueda> a naked man who was stuck for several days inside the bathroom wall of a theater, fire officials said.<. NAKED CALIFORNIA WOMAN RESCUED AFTER BECOMING WEDGED BETWEEN 2 BUILDINGS The adult male, who was not immediately identified, was believed to have entered the …
Read More »Dr. Kent Ingle: 7 ways to help first-generation college students succeed
On Nov. 8, education across the country will celebrate first-generation college students. The date coincides with the day that President Lyndon Johnson signed the Higher Education Act of 1965 to strengthen the educational resources of colleges and universities and to provide financial support for students in postsecondary and higher education. …
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