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Biden's DOJ coming after parents is 'stunning': Brent Bozell

Founder and President of the Media Research Center Brent Bozell sounded off Sunday on “Life, Liberty & Levin” about Biden’s Department of Justice coming after parents and taxpayers who protest school boards. 

“I’m frightened,” said Bozell. 

Host Mark Levin noted “we now know” the Biden administration “conspired with the Attorney General’s office to unleash federal law enforcement against parents” who threaten school board members. 

Bozell said it is “stunning” that the new policy is putting parents on trial. 

Bozell went on to discuss the stark dichotomy between the media’s treatment of two Virginia statewide office candidates who made egregious statements or gaffes – including Terry McAuliffe, who Levin noted “says parents really have no say in what goes on in the classroom.” 

In 2006, then-Sen. George Allen, R-Va. was stumping for reelection when his campaign imploded following an offhand, racially-charged remark directed at a tracker for his Democratic opponent, former Sen. Jim Webb.

Bozell said the Washington Post and other outlets published more than “56 stories” regarding the episode – but there has been little or no similar confrontation toward former Gov. McAuliffe regarding his stated view that parents should not be involved in curriculum.

“Think about when George Allen ran for governor with the famous ‘Macaca’ moment. There were 56 stories in The Washington Post about [it] — about the mistake that George Allen made,” he said.


Youngkin: McAuliffe is telling parents ‘sit down, be quiet, I don’t care what you think’ Video

Bozell noted the media has not given similar scrutiny toward McAuliffe, calling it a “cover-up.”  

“They should be going right to Terry McAuliffe and saying, ‘How do you feel now? How do you feel now, Mr. McAuliffe, that you support it and you continue and you’ve doubled down on a policy that says parents have no right to participate in the decisions about their own children in school? Now what do you say, Mr. McAuliffe?'”


Levin added that the same media scrutiny should be given toward McAuliffe’s campaign surrogates, who include First Lady Jill Biden and former President Barack Obama. 

“Where is the president of the United States on this story?” asked Bozell. “The president should be speaking out. Where is Kamala Harris?”

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