London's oldest woman turns 108, says COVID-19 is 'nothing compared to World War I'

World War I was much worse than the coronavirus pandemic, according to Sarah “Betty” Spear. Spear should know, having experienced both. She turned 108 on Wednesday, celebrating the milestone with family-and-friends” target=”_blank”>family and friends<. “The first world war was the worst thing; [COVID-19] is nothing in comparison,” she remarked in an interview with South West…

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French's launches mustard hot dog buns in time for National Mustard Day

National Mustard Daya> is being celebrated once more by French’s, and this time the company is offering convenience with “<a href="https:.”  Starting Saturday, the world-famous condiment brand will launch a limited edition line of recipes that have French’s Classic Yellow Mustard baked into the food. Select cities in New York, Illinois, California, Maryland and Massachusetts…

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